Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So, How Do You Choose?

Before you go to bed or when you wake up in the morning, when is it you decide what it is you will be wearing for the day or event that you need to get dressed for? Do you choose an ensemble based on how you will spend your day, or with whom? Do you choose on the fly or are you a planner?
Answering some of these questions might give you important insight in understanding and appreciating your personal style.
An important thing for me in defining my personal style and feeling confidence in my choices was to decide that in most instances I would be making selections to please myself. I do like to make a great first impression, and appear tidy and well kept, but I don't typically make wardrobe decisions to make anyone else happy. I can't say that I have never done that, but for the most part I have learned that when I feel good in what I am wearing my confidence will light me up from the inside and I will have that happy glow.
This also leads into understanding and dressing for your particular body type and presenting your best attributes and concealing the less flattering ones. I am going to save that topic for other days as it is quite large. But what I do want to identify is that knowing and incorporating this information into your personal style raises your confidence to an even higher level.

Rain or Shine

I have to espouse the importance of using a site like Polyvore to "shop" your preferences and combine different pieces that are similar to those you own or would consider purchasing. It gives fantastic insight on how your style evolves and lets you prioritize important piece purchasing.

So, curiosity has the best of me, how do you make your wardrobe decisions?


  1. I think: where am I going, whom am I seeing, what is the weather (important for shoe choices), what color will make me happy?

    1. I like your process! Isn't it funny how a color will help our mood and confidence?
